The Story about Grey Gemma

English club 01-июн-2015, 10:21 0

The Stabiloes lived in Pencil Country in Rainbow Town. There was a big house for 30 Stabiloes! It was spring. In spring they celebrated a Red and Pink Holiday. On the Red and Pink Holiday they picked red and pink flowers and backed a big rainbow cake!

They went to the city centre and celebrated the holiday. But, this holiday was special because Grey Gemma flew on that holiday! She was from a boring city named Astana and she was bored too. When Grey Gemma flew to Rainbow Town, all Stabiloes were very happy.

-Hello, Grey Gemma! said the Stabiloes.


Grey Gemma never picked red and pink flowers and she never backed a big rainbow cake. She didn’t know what they usually did on that holiday.

-Hey, Green Stabilo, What Are You Doing?

-We pick red and pink flowers.


-You are welcome!

Grey Gemma began to pick flowers, but they became grey! All Stabiloes got scared. What is going on? Grey Gemma colored all flowers GREY!!!

-I'm so sorry!

She began to pick the flowers again, but painted them all! The Stailoes escaped.

-Hey, Stabiloes, Wait For Me!

But they vanished.

Grey Gemma cried. One yellow Stabilo heared Her.

-What’s Happening, Grey Gemma?

-I have painted the flowers grey and everyone ran away. Escaped...

-Don't Worry! Everything Will Be Fine!

The Yellow Stabilo went to the other Stabiloes and called them.

-The Stabiloes, Help Me!

-OK, But Flowers...

-Don't Worry! Help Me!

The Stabiloes came back.

-Now, Let's Color Flowers!

-Are You Sure?

-Of Course! Let's Go!

The Stabiloes began to color the flowers and accidentally touched the Grey Gemma.  She became an aqua-green Stabilo!

-Yes! I am a Mix-Colored Stabilo now!


They finished coloring the flowers.

-Thanks, the Stabiloes!

-You’re Welcome!

-OK, Let's Continue Our Party!


The Stabiloes were very happy and Grey Gemma too. She stayed in Raibow Town forever!

Remember, You Always Have Good Friends that can Save You. Be Happy, My Dear Reader :)


Lee Yekaterina. Grade 5 "A"

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