International Olympiad ‘HIPPO-2021”

English club 26-фев-2021, 09:46 496

This year on the 26th of February the students of the 3rd, 10th and 11th Grades have taken part in the preliminary round of international Olympiad ‘HIPPO-2021”. 

          Teachers of English language V.V. Mashinets and Dinara T.S. have coordinated the procedure according to all international standards. 

          Hippo ‘English Without Borders’ Olympiad is an international Olympiad which promotes English language, challenges students around the globe to compete in English language knowledge, and improves the co-operation between teachers. The Olympiad encourages the development of a shared sense of identity and integration, serves as a role model for young people living together as one community. The main goal is to create and nourish friendly relations, international understanding and a spirit of sporting competitiveness between young people interested in English language from all around the world. 


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