"And know, only in friendship the Kazakh people will find their freedom and truth!"

English club 17-май-2021, 13:17 330

Abay Kunanbayev: 

"And know, only in friendship the Kazakh people will find their freedom and truth!"

          Day of Unity (Kazakh: Qazaqstan xalqynyń birligi merekesi) is a national holiday in the Republic of Kazakhstan on May 1st each year. Also known asKazakhstan's People Solidarity Day, this holiday is intended to celebrate the unity of the different peoples who live in the country. As we all know, there are more than 120 nationalities live in Kazakhstan. And our students are the best representatives of Cultural Diversity of our Motherland.

          In order to celebrate this wonderful holiday and dive into the world of Cultural Diversity of the Republic of Kazakhstan our students of 7th and 11th Grades in collaboration with teachers of English language V.V.Mashinets, A.I.Syltaubayeva and S.N.Sartayeva decided to organize the first virtual exhibition of projects realized as posters and uploaded to Padlet platform. This experience has helped our students to acquire new knowledge in the field of technological advancement and present their research works using Photoshop, Canva, etc.

Here is the link: https://padlet.com/kzteacher2020/5h5qxqkufrs8aw6o 

Teacher of English: Valeriya Mashinets

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